In the resulting ARIA Player window, click on instrument slot #1 (mine says “Steinway Piano”), then navigate to “Free Sounds,” and then explore the various instrument sounds found in each submenu.As I already had ARIA Player selected for Bank 1, I clicked on the “pencil” icon to the right of it to edit.manual with an additional 2GB hard drive space is required for Garritan Instruments for Finale. From the MIDI/Audio menu, choose “VST Banks & Effects” (Windows) or “Audio Units Banks & Effects” (Mac) Get a low price and free shipping on thousands of items.In the MIDI/Audio menu, make sure “Play Finale Through VST” (Windows) or “Play Finale Through Audio Units” (Mac) is selected.

Once installed, I accessed these sounds in Finale by following these steps in a new document: Among my favorite sounds are the Mellotrons, the toy piano, and the music box, but there’s lots to choose from. Included in the collection are a variety of instrument sounds from several companies including Garritan and Plogue.